2022-05-17 10:24:33




五十八年前的三月十三號凌晨,凱蒂·吉諾維斯(Kitty Genovese)在回家的路上被温斯顿·莫斯利(Winston Moseley)攜刀尾隨。眼見家門就在眼前,吉諾維斯努力往公寓的 方向跑去,莫斯利卻在這時抓住她,並在她的背部刺了兩刀。吉諾維斯放聲求救,不少 公寓住戶都有聽到她的叫聲,但是在莫斯利犯案的三十分鐘內沒有一個人打電話報警。最終,吉諾維斯受到強姦、身受多刀,傷重不治。周圍這麼多鄰居,為什麼沒有人幫助吉諾維斯?社會心理學稱此現象為「旁觀者效應」,顯示當周圍有許多其他的旁觀者時,人會伸出援手的機率會下降。後來的研究(Fischer et al., 2011)顯示「旁觀者效應」會受到情境是否緊急、加害者是否在場、和出手是否會對自身或受害者有負面影響 等等而影響。當你緊急需要陌生人幫忙時,記得要「指名」需要哪一位的幫忙,這樣幫忙的責任才不會分散唷!而週遭若人需要幫助,也請跳脫「旁觀者效應」,伸出援手吧!

Around midnight March 13th fifty-eight years ago, Kitty Genovese was on her way home from work when she was followed by Winston Moseley. As she approached her home, Genovese ran towards the main entrance of her apartment, but Moseley got her and stabbed her in the back. Genovese cried out for help, and many neighbors in the apartment heard her cries. However, none of them called the police in the 30 minutes while Moseley raped and stabbed Genovese. In the end, Genovese was killed. There are many neighbors around, how come no one helped Genovese? Social psychologists called this phenomenon the “Bystander Effect”, indicating that people are less likely to help when there are other bystanders around. Later research showed that the bystander effect can be influenced by the emergency level, presence of perpetrator, and costs of intervention. When you need a stranger's help, remember to “assign” the helping task to a specific stranger to avoid diffusion of responsibility! Also, if other people around you need your help, please get over the bystander effect and help them!

#bystander #bystandereffect #psychology #socialpsychology #kittygenovese #diffusionofresponsibility #psychologist #心理學 #社會心理學 #旁觀者 #旁觀者現象 #責任分散 #心理學家

Fischer, P., Krueger, J. I., Greitemeyer, T., Vogrincic, C., Kastenmüller, A., Frey, D., ... & Kainbacher, M. (2011). The bystander-effect: A meta-analytic review on bystander intervention in dangerous and non-dangerous emergencies. Psychological Bulletin, 137(4), 517-537. http://doi.org/10.1037/a0023304



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