2022-07-05 09:42:43








1. 你的長處是什麼?未來的理想呢? 
2. 說出我們科系非要錄取你的三個理由。 
3. 對一些時事的看法? 
4. 請說出你的優缺點,並說一個你想要改善的地方。
5. 一生中最大的收穫及挫敗 

1. 你曾參加哪些社團,或校內外活動? 
2. 高中人際關係好嗎,為什麼? 
3. 常使用電腦或上網嗎?通常在網路上什麼? 
4. 大學四年有無任何規劃,如何安排學習目標? 
5. 你覺得自己未來20年後會是什麼樣子呢? 

1. 說說看你對本校及本系了解? 
2. 你申請了哪些學校和科系?為什麼會選我們學校?
3. 進入本科系後,發現不適合,你會如何因應? 
4. 如果你被錄取,是否一定會來唸? 
5. 為何選擇XX系? 

⚡️About you
1. What is your strength, and what is your dream for future?
2. Give me three reasons why we should accept you.
3. Can you talk about your opinion about the current news?
4. Can you tell me about your strengths and weaknesses, or what is the one area you would like to improve on?
1. What is your strength, and what is your dream for the future? 

⚡️High school life and future plan
1. Did you join any clubs or do any extracurricular activities in high school?
2. How's your social life in high school?
3. How often do you surf the internet? What do you usually do on the internet?
4. Do you have any plans after you get into the university? How would you arrange your study?
5. How do you foresee yourself in 20 years? 

⚡️About the school and major
1. How much do you know about our school and our department?
2. Do you apply for other schools? Why did you choose our school?
3. If you find out that you're not suitable for our department after you get in, what would you do?
4. If you're accepted to our department, would you come for sure?
5. Why do you choose to major in… ?

#凱蒂英文 #面試 #模擬面試 #英文面試 #面試題目 #高中英文 #個人申請 #備審 #二階 #109學測 #學測 #陪你一起努力



※本文由 cattyenglish Instagram授權轉載※


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