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  • 4/29
  • (約聘) 金融客戶資料維護人員| Account Services
  • 台北市中山區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 工作經歷不拘,學歷不拘,月薪 38,000~0元0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是亞洲最大的金融集團之一。 2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利。 目前我們正在召集一群優秀的 Taiwan Tech Talents,與我們一起成為 Best Bank for a Better World! *歡迎新鮮人或願意加入金融業的夥伴* 【職缺資訊】 1.開戶資料建檔   2.客戶資料維護及更新  3.關戶作業 4. 輸入客戶資料 5. 核對資料並進行驗證

  • 4/29
  • AML, CFT & Sanctions Advisory_IBG
  • 台北市內湖區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 10年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • •Review and roll-out Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) related policies and guidelines for. Conduct Gap Analysis between local regulatory requirements and MAS requirements when changes occur. •Understand related business/operation and providing the necessary AML/CFT advice, interpretation and recommendation on existing and new AML/CFT laws and regulations. •Assist in supporting the formulation of specific Guides relating to AML/CFT. •Facilitate relationship management with regulator. Assist in handling audit/regulatory inspection issues relating to AML/CFT. •Maintain AML/CFT policies and standards including relevant KYC/CDD guidelines to support the AML/CFT framework. •Provide relevant guidance on regulatory requirements in resolving gaps (where apparent), and report to relevant governance committee(s), as necessary. •Gap analysis on regulatory papers relating to KYC/CDD, AML/CFT (as applicable) to provide relevant guidance. •Facilitate implementation of AML controls within country, Group, business or functions, depending on regulations. •Ensure the Bank/Group has an effective sanctions control framework to manage the bank‘s exposure to sanctions risk. •Ensure customers with sanctions exposures are adequately managed to mitigate the risk to DBS. •Review and investigate all payment alerts to ensure the bank does not process any payments that may violate sanctions regulations that the bank adopts as a policy. •Train staff and develop awareness at all staff levels to ensure they are able to identify potential sanctions risk and mitigate risk. •Provide accurate reporting to senior management and the Board for appropriate decisions on bank’s sanctions risk. •Provide advisory comments on various products/initiatives. Examples NPA/NPA Lite, Outsourcing Risk Review, RCSA process, Customer Journey and any ad hoc initiatives/projects •Conduct periodical ERWA report and filing to regulator accordingly. •Conduct BU/SU AML,CFT & Sanction SCSA program and evaluation to comply with regulatory requirement

  • 4/29
  • Treasures Relationship Manager, CBG & WM (International Banking)
  • 香港
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 3年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 1. Acquire new high net-worth customers and solicit business opportunities through proactive cross-selling, referrals and personal business connections 2. Identify customer needs through financial analysis and deliver customer-focused banking and wealth management solutions to enhance customer experience 3. Collaborate with experience product specialists in offering professional advice to meet the customers‘ investment goals and needs 4. Grow and maximize the revenue potential of this customer group by building strong customer relationships and delivering differentiated solutions

  • 4/29
  • 保險顧問 Treasures Bancassurance Specialist (台中)
  • 台中市西區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 7年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 1.行銷管理及業務推展 (1)主動開發及服務內部同仁所推薦的潛在客戶及從分行及外部擴增客戶來源。 (2)協助分行業務經理領導業務團隊並提昇保險銷售績效,以達成分配給自己及分行的整體保險業績目標。 (3)透過客戶服務、交叉銷售、分行宣傳活動等來深耕客戶關係並建立品牌知名度,以擴增客戶基礎。 (4)參與例行性的教育訓練及銷售活動等,並與分行服務經理等服務同仁密切合作,以有效開發服務同仁所推薦的潛在客戶。 (5)定期召開業績檢討會,以提升銷售同仁的產能。 (6)與客戶維持良好的關係,滿足客戶的財務需求,並提升客戶與本行往來的業務種類。 (7)確定銷售同仁的銷售行為係依據並符合內部政策、標準、準則、規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。2.人才及客戶體驗管理 (1)培訓發展及輔導銷售同仁,以提升其保險銷售績效及與客戶間的互動關係。 (2)與銷售同仁保持明確及即時溝通,以共同達成保險銷售目標。 (3)建立團隊成員中的信任及士氣,並能與分行中的其他同仁密切合作。 (4)協助分行業務經領導業務團隊提供客戶最佳的金融服務,並達到在多個客户滿意度調查/ 追踪計畫中(例如神秘顧客及電話服務調查)針對保險的預設滿意度水準。 3.稽核及合規監控 (1)確保完全符合內部政策、標準、準則及規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 (2)透過教育、監控及有效的補救措施協助分行業務經理提升分行營運的控制及合規質量,並密切的與分行服務經理合作以保持銷售團隊的營運標準。4.分行行政管理 (1)滿足客戶的需求,並依據本行的客戶申訴處理準則及時的解決客戶抱怨案件。 (2)反映並建議分行業務經理有關於客戶的意見及競爭對手的作法。

  • 4/29
  • Specialist, Sales Healthy Check and Quality Assurance
  • 台北市內湖區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 5年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • JD 1. Develop SOP to comply with regional policies and local regulations. 2. Responsible for driving sales monitoring report enhancement and control points/mechanism by working closely with stakeholders. 3. Conduct periodic SOP/Boundary list and training. 4.Timely complete sales surveillance related reports and sales healthy check 5. Support BIF revision, SCSA, internal/external audit on information request providing. 6. To support integration project 7. Sales new onboard training

  • 4/29
  • 財富管理業務主管_新莊思源分行Sales Head
  • 新北市新莊區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 5年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • (A)行銷管理及業務推展 1)領導及推動總行核訂的行銷策略,以達成分配給分行的整體業績目標。 2)擬定銷售策略及業務計畫以確定及掌握分行特定的商機。 3)有效利用分行的銷售資源,輔導並協助客戶經理進行銷售行為,以達成業績目標。 4)確定員工關注主要銷售活動的先後順序,確保有效的行銷方案成功實施。 5)向業務管理及客戶策略主管反映客户回饋及同業競爭情形並提出建議。 6)確定所有員工依據並完全符合內部政策、標準、準則、規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 (B)人才管理及協助招聘 1)透過有效的招聘、資源規劃及人力調度來確保充分的員工配置,以強化日常銷售及營運生產力。 2)分辨員工的能力差異及缺點,推薦培訓發展計畫並追踪培訓後改進情形。 3)培訓發展及教導個別員工,提高其業績及改善效率。 4)督導員工的日常工作表現並維持員工紀律。 5)與員工保持明確及即時溝通,提供激勵及支持,以鼓勵他們達成目標。 6)建立分行團隊成員中的信任及士氣,公平地處理員工問題。 (C)客户體驗管理 1)達到在多個客户滿意度調查/追踪計畫中(例如神秘顧客及電話服務調查)的預設滿意度水準。 2)督導員工的日常服務質量及分行的環境,以符合銀行要求的標準。 3)對客戶的特别要求提供快速的回應,確保客户的口頭及當面投訴可以按照内部準則得到即時地處理及解決。 (D)稽核及合規監控 1) 確保完全符合内部政策、標準、準則及規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 2) 透過領導、教育、監控及有效的補救措施提升分行營運的控制及合規質量。 See more on DBS Career Site: https://dbs.taleo.net/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=WD57471&lang=zh_TW

  • 4/29
  • 分行經理_Branch Business Manager_新竹分行
  • 新竹市北區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 7年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • (A)行銷管理及業務推展 1)領導及推動總行核訂的行銷策略,以達成分配給分行的整體業績目標。 2)擬定銷售策略及業務計畫以確定及掌握分行特定的商機。 3)有效利用分行的銷售資源,輔導並協助客戶經理進行銷售行為,以達成業績目標。 4)確定員工關注主要銷售活動的先後順序,確保有效的行銷方案成功實施。 5)向業務管理及客戶策略主管反映客户回饋及同業競爭情形並提出建議。 6)確定所有員工依據並完全符合內部政策、標準、準則、規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 (B)人才管理及協助招聘 1)透過有效的招聘、資源規劃及人力調度來確保充分的員工配置,以強化日常銷售及營運生產力。 2)分辨員工的能力差異及缺點,推薦培訓發展計畫並追踪培訓後改進情形。 3)培訓發展及教導個別員工,提高其業績及改善效率。 4)督導員工的日常工作表現並維持員工紀律。 5)與員工保持明確及即時溝通,提供激勵及支持,以鼓勵他們達成目標。 6)建立分行團隊成員中的信任及士氣,公平地處理員工問題。 (C)客户體驗管理 1)達到在多個客户滿意度調查/追踪計畫中(例如神秘顧客及電話服務調查)的預設滿意度水準。 2)督導員工的日常服務質量及分行的環境,以符合銀行要求的標準。 3)對客戶的特别要求提供快速的回應,確保客户的口頭及當面投訴可以按照内部準則得到即時地處理及解決。 (D)稽核及合規監控 1) 確保完全符合内部政策、標準、準則及規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 2) 透過領導、教育、監控及有效的補救措施提升分行營運的控制及合規質量。

  • 4/29
  • AML/FCSS_Transaction Surveillance (TSU) - IBG Analyst
  • 台北市內湖區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 3年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 1. Conduct IBG TSU review to comply with Group framework. 2. To ensure the results are formally tracked and reported to management 3. Monthly report preparation including regional and location 4. Handle inspection matters in relation to TSU including regulatory audit, local audit and PWC etc. 5. TSU-RCSA , SCSA TSU-PDPA 6. EWSS system(transaction surveillance system) , re-platform, rule assessment , UAT, coordinate with group support team and prepare relevant material to committee as necessary. 7. Conduct training/education to TSU team members to comply with Group and local requirement 8. Group policy/procedure implementation , deviation, local addendum as appropriate and communication with Group TSU/local TSU colleagues 9. TSU local SOP maintenance ( new/update) and communication with TSU colleagues 10. Taking follow-up actions in accordance with policy , procedure once an STR has been submitted to and FIU. 11. Disseminating any relevant alerts, notices or reports received from the local FIUs to the appropriate BU/SU for their awareness and learning. 12. Assisting supervisor or other teams (where appropriate) with respect to suspicious transaction investigations, gathering financial intelligence. 13. Adhoc task support if necessary.

  • 4/29
  • 信用卡業務專員 (台南)~保障底薪,高業績獎金(無經驗可,外商福利佳)
  • 台南市中西區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 1年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,月薪 32,400~0元0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 1. 依照客戶需求推薦信用卡產品。 2. 地點很自由,可選擇跑攤駐點、企業團辦-到公司辦說明會還是掃街陌開。 3. 提供完整的教育訓練,新手沒關係,有團隊協助,上手很快速。 4. 外商福利好,第一年即享14天年假,讓你兼顧工作與生活。 5. 上班時間不固定,排班、輪休 。 你沒有人脈,想做業務? 想要挑戰自己,渴望拜百萬年薪? 那就快快投下履歷,星展歡迎你的加入,

  • 4/29
  • 信用卡業務專員 (新竹區)~保障底薪,高業績獎金(無經驗可,外商福利佳)
  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 1年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,月薪 32,400~0元0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 1. 依照客戶需求推薦信用卡產品。 2. 地點很自由,可選擇跑攤駐點、企業團辦-到公司辦說明會還是掃街陌開。 3. 提供完整的教育訓練,新手沒關係,有團隊協助,上手很快速。 4. 外商福利好,第一年即享14天年假,讓你兼顧工作與生活。 5. 上班時間不固定,排班、輪休 。 你沒有人脈,想做業務? 想要挑戰自己,渴望拜百萬年薪? 那就快快投下履歷,星展歡迎你的加入,

  • 4/29
  • 商業系統分析師 | Business Analyst | System Analyst
  • 台北市內湖區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 2年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是全洲最大的金融集團之一,2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利,非常希望邀請您加入我們的行列! 【您可能會想知道】 • 正職員工到職滿 6 個月後,即可申請每周彈性在家工作 2 天,兼顧生活和工作平衡 (實際情況依各部門安排另有不同)) • 入職即享年假最低 14 天+1 天 Birthday Holiday • 到職即享萬元的彈性補助金,可用於家族旅遊或多項生活津貼 • 將有許多與國外夥伴合作的機會,能累積國際溝通和商業英語能力 【Key Responsibilities】 1. Working with Developers -UR impact analysis -Requirement design 2. Support SIT Tester for question clarification. 3. Support Business for new enhancement. -Requirement detail discussion -Document and progress update -UAT / LV support 4. BAU Support -Issue fixing ( IDM, Interface, functional, and so on) , Product Patch, System Infra Upgrade: -Critical Parameter setup -Document and progress update -Clarify the issue root cause to Business -UAT / LV support

  • 4/29
  • Collection Pre Write Off Team Lead, RMG CB Credit
  • 台北市內湖區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 10年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • Job Responsibilities: 1. The role is for Project Damselfly implementation and ongoing support for Collection delinquency and productivity management of pre write off portfolio after integration. Project Damselfly (Project Management) Participant Project Damselfly, this role is to focus on pre write off process review and embed Citi process, Citi local system installation and enhancement for collection systems (e.g. COGP PDA module), to increase digitalization on collection handling of pre write off accounts given COGP enhancement. For Citi local system (COGP PDA module), to understand end to end system flow, embed existing automation functionality, to optimize process automation and increase pre write off team’s efficiency. Review end to end collection process of pre write off handling, identify gap between Citi and DBS, and compare DBS Taiwan collection journey against best practice in other markets and Citi, to work out new collection strategy for pre write off accounts, and support migration to be implemented smoothly. To support training material preparation and training resource arrangement (post LD1 training) Recovery management (BAU) Daily monitoring on pre write off team dialer arrangement to maintain stable productivity and coverage. Daily monitoring on pre write off delinquency and kick off deep dive analysis and mitigation actions accordingly. Segment portfolio by customer’s payment possibility through reviewing the customer profile and build up different treatment flow accordingly (increase segmentation on pre write off handling), and support team Advising customers on their payment options and suggesting methods of payments. Negotiating suitable payment plans. Maintaining customer payment records. Initiate request to take legal action according to Collection SOP / Strategy and build up automatic legal action flow after COG application integration. Cooperate with legal team to execute collection legal action following collection guideline and working in partnership with collection operation team and courts. 2. The AVP of collection will be responsible for implementing the business plan regarding pre write off delinquency management in collections. He / she needs to ensure operational goals / metrics are achieved or exceeded and that all collection activities are conducted in compliance with regional guidelines and local regulations. 3. The key function for the AVP of collection is to lead collection activities to ensure collection process / handling complied regulation requirement . He/she needs to escalate on timely basis significant risk issues to stakeholder and manager for taking appropriate remedial actions

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  • Infrastructure Engineer Network Team|網路管理工程師
  • 台北市內湖區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 5年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • Business Function Group Technology and Operations (T&O) enables and empowers the bank with an efficient, nimble and resilient infrastructure through a strategic focus on productivity, quality & control, technology, people capability and innovation. In Group T&O, we manage the majority of the Bank‘s operational processes and inspire to delight our business partners through our multiple banking delivery channels. Responsibilities 1. Manage and deliver Network services both for BAU and project, scope covers entire Network services in TW (branch network, building network and Data Center network). 2. Ensure the infrastructure service align with DBS policy and regulatory requirement. 3. Troubleshoot and rescue systems during failure. 4. Configuring and installing various networking devices and services. 5. Support and coordinate End User services/projects. Requirements 1. Five years of working experience in IT operations and support. 2. Knowledge and experience skills in network administration. 3. Experience in network design, implementation, and troubleshooting. 4. Network certificate CCNP is required, and CCIE is a plus. 5. Ability of network automation is a plus. 請用以下聯結進入官網投遞履歷,並完成履歷填寫(請用Google瀏覽器開啟) 網址:請用以下聯結進入官網投遞履歷,並完成履歷填寫(請用Google瀏覽器開啟) 網址: Job Description - Associate, Infrastructure Senior Engineer, T&O (WD57243) (dbs.com)

  • 4/29
  • Data Specialist / Data Scientist – Treasury & Markets
  • 台北市信義區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 5年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • Job Summary: The Specialist will be responsible for driving digitization and datadriven operating model (DDOM) to the dealing room by providing technical expertise in the areas of data analysis, digital solutions, and automation. This role will work closely with cross BU/SU and cross-country colleagues to identify business opportunities for digital solutions, advanced analytics, and machine learning techniques to improve customer experience, internal efficiency, and drive revenue growth. Responsibility: ★ Collaborate with the dealing room team and other departments to identify and collect relevant data to develop new strategies and tactics based on market insights and data analysis in compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policy ★ Maintain the local T&M data pipeline within ADA to support all analytics and modelling from enterprise ADA ★ Align to regional change management framework for data to be adopted into Taiwan ★ Work with overseas data colleagues in Hong Kong and Singapore and to port over analytics tools and models fit for local Taiwan T&M use ★ Analyze data to identify trends, opportunities for revenue growth, and areas for improvement ★ Apply statistical modeling and machine learning techniques to develop predictive models and algorithms to drive business outcome ★ To work with internal/external teams on exploring or creating new business models to drive new revenue streams ★ Manage implementation of digital solutions with clients ★ Communicate findings and recommendations to stakeholders in a clear and concise manner ★ Conduct research and stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in data analysis, digital solutions, and automation, and provide recommendations for new tools or platforms that could benefit the dealing room ★ Work with marketing and product management teams to drive revenue growth and client acquisition through digital channels ★ Perform other related duties as assigned

  • 4/29
  • (約聘)信用卡產品專員
  • 台北市內湖區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 2年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 《 Job Duties & responsibilities 》 1.掌握市場趨勢及競品動態、並透過數據分析等工具洞察客戶需求,協助規劃信用卡產品經營策略並落實,促動客戶辦卡並用卡。 2.獨立與外部廠商/跨組織洽談合作,爭取資源提升績效。 3.協助策劃活動並製作宣傳物等,提升客戶申辦及用卡誘因。

  • 4/29
  • GTS-Cash Product Manager
  • 台北市信義區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 5年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 1. Responsible for the Product Profitability. 2. Develop Product Plans for GTS Products that will encompass market analysis, product definition, competitive scan, pricing, costing and revenue strategies, customers’ buying behaviour etc. 3. Develop business plan to promote/market the sale to targeted clients. 4. Develop new products, enhance and repackage existing products and always balancing both the product revenue and risk aspects of the equation at all times. 5. Develop and standardise Policies and Procedures. 6. Work with GTS Sales to obtain competitive information from customers / market with regard to product functionalities, capabilities and features of competitors’ product and services. 7. Identify product gaps & new opportunities and develop new products / programs. 8. Develop Marketing Collaterals & Training Materials 9. Responsible for NPA for all new products & services launched in the country

  • 4/29
  • 網路專案管理 |Network project manager
  • 台北市內湖區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 5年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是亞洲最大的金融集團之一。 2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利。 目前我們正在召集一群優秀的 Taiwan Tech Talents,與我們一起成為 Best Bank for a Better World! 【職缺資訊】 • Network/Voice related project delivery and daily operation. • Ensure the Network/Voice infrastructure align with DBS policy and regulatory requirement. • Maintain network performance by performing network monitoring and analysis, and performance tuning, troubleshooting network problems. • Secure network by developing network access, monitoring, control, and evaluation; maintaining documentation. • Develop procedures to automate network operation. • Create and deploy innovation by leveraging new technology. 【您可能會想知道】 - 將有教育訓練以及內部輪調機制,歡迎想踏入金融業的 Young talent - 正職員工到職滿 6 個月後,可申請每周彈性在家工作 2 天,兼顧生活和工作平衡 - 入職即享年假最低 14 天+1 天 Birthday Holiday - 每年有四萬元以上的彈性補助金,可用於家族旅遊或多項生活津貼 - 將有許多與國外夥伴合作的機會,能累積國際溝通和商業英語能力 【面試流程】 - 1-2 場線上面談,每場約 1 小時 (部分主管職位為現場面談) - 個人專業經歷及職涯發展了解 - 簡短英文自我介紹,敢說敢表達即可

  • 4/29
  • 系統測試工程師(銀行財富管理系統) | System Integration Testing
  • 台北市內湖區
  • 星展(台灣)商業銀行【股】
  • 2年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是全洲最大的金融集團之一,2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利,非常希望邀請您加入我們的行列! 【您可能會想知道】 • 正職員工到職滿 6 個月後,即可申請每周彈性在家工作 2 天,兼顧生活和工作平衡 (實際情況依各部門安排另有不同)) • 入職即享年假最低 14 天+1 天 Birthday Holiday • 到職即享萬元的彈性補助金,可用於家族旅遊或多項生活津貼 • 將有許多與國外夥伴合作的機會,能累積國際溝通和商業英語能力 【職缺資訊】 1. Support new enhancement (Customization) – Project / UR - UR impact analysis - Requirement design - System Performance - Provide development cost and timeline to Scrum Master 2. Practice PRIDE behavior in daily activity 3. Working with BAU L2 team/ BA for incident fixing and Critical Parameter setup 4. Regular training for coding process or lesson learn with DAH2 team member 5. Increase Customer Satisfaction by providing a dedicated support. 6. Improve Risk Controls/ Compliance

  • 4/29
  • 品保人員
  • 高雄市湖內區
  • 春盛億實業股份有限公司
  • 2年以上工作經歷,學歷不拘,月薪 28,000~40,000元0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • 1.品質檢驗、檢表報告製作 2.品質目標/績效管理、異常管理活動 3.量測儀器設備操作/管理 4.ISO品質記錄文管 **具識圖能力、三次元量測經驗者尤佳產品 機械/理工相關系所畢業.

  • 4/29
  • 自動化工程師
  • 台中市大雅區
  • 先進光電科技股份有限公司
  • 工作經歷不拘,學歷不拘,月薪 32,000~42,000元0 ~ 10 人次主動應徵
  • *製程 1. 生產線異常排除與改善。 2. 評估設備整體運作效能,提高效率、降低生產成本。 3. 規劃、指導生產方法,建立標準作業程序。 4. 量產產品不良品問題分析與改善。 *設備 1. 自動化設備切換線與異常排除。 2. 產線設備與製程巡檢。 3. 設備保養與維修。 4. 配合產線進行設備品質控制。 5. 設備優化與改善。

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